Getting started Installation Create a new Hugo site:

$ hugo new site [path]

Clone this repository into themes/ directory:

$ cd [path]
$ git clone themes/m10c

Add this line in the config.toml file:

theme = "m10c"

Configuration In your config.toml file, define the following variables in params:

author: Name of the author description: Short description of the author avatar: Path of file containing the author avatar image menu_item_separator: Separator between each menu item. HTML allowed (default: " - “) To add a menu item, add the following lines in menu:

[[menu.main]] identifier = “tags” name = “Tags” url = “/tags/” Read Hugo documentations for more informations about menu

To add a social link, add the following lines in params:

[[]] name = “github” url = “" To change theme colors, add the following lines in params:

[] darkestColor = “#d35050” darkColor = “#212121” lightColor = “#f5e3e0” lightestColor = “#f5f5f5” primaryColor = “#fff” If you want the above theme colors, you can see the exampleSite/config.toml file.

Styling To override styles using scss, add a file called _extra.scss to {your site directory}/assets/css/

Note: Hugo releases come in two versions, hugo and hugo_extended. You need hugo_extended to automatically compile your scss.

License This theme is released under the MIT License.

Acknowledgements feather - MIT